Nexia International is delighted to announce its financial results for 2012 with total revenue at US$2.8bn, up a significant 22% from 2011. This growth rate is believed to be far in excess of other major global networks.
Regionally, Nexia International saw its highest revenues of US$1.3bn in North America. This was followed by Europe (US$1.09bn), Asia-Pacific (US$300m), Latin America (US$44m) and Africa and the Middle East (US$36m). The global network’s North American revenues were bolstered by recently merged US firms CliftonLarsonAllen and CohnReznick, both of which chose to stay with Nexia International following their mergers.
Larry Chastang, Nexia International’s Regional Chair for North & Central America, stated: “Nexia International is clearly going from strength to strength, demonstrated by our impressive fee income and the number of enquiries we continue to field from US firms keen to be a part of the network.”
During the year, the international network expanded its presence by attracting member firms in Australia, Bangladesh, China, Mexico, Mongolia and the UK, resulting in an 11% rise in total staff to 22,319 based in 581 offices.
“Our two-year growth rate of 34% has been remarkable given the economic climate and shows clear evidence of the successful implementation of our strategy. A continued commitment to recruiting high-quality firms in key and emerging world markets, combined with the delivery of several internal initiatives, have been critical to our success,” said Kevin Arnold, CEO of Nexia International.